
Frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked questions.

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What types of diesel engines do you service?2024-06-04T22:23:13+00:00

Answer: We service a wide range of diesel engines, including those in trucks, buses, commercial vehicles, heavy machinery, and marine vessels. Our team is experienced in handling engines from major manufacturers and models.

How often should I get my diesel engine serviced?2024-06-04T22:23:02+00:00

Answer: Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity of your diesel engine. We recommend servicing your engine every 10,000 to 15,000 miles, depending on usage. However, specific intervals can vary based on the manufacturer’s guidelines and the engine’s operating conditions.

What are the signs that my diesel engine needs repair?2024-06-04T22:23:31+00:00

Answer: Common signs include excessive smoke, loss of power, unusual noises, increased fuel consumption, and difficulty starting the engine. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s essential to bring your vehicle in for a diagnostic check.

Do you offer emergency repair services?2024-06-04T22:23:52+00:00

Answer: Yes, we understand that diesel engine issues can arise unexpectedly. We offer emergency repair services to get you back on the road or job site as quickly as possible. Contact us anytime for urgent assistance.

How can I schedule a service appointment?2024-06-04T22:24:20+00:00

Answer: Scheduling a service appointment is easy! You can call us directly, visit our website to book online, or stop by our San Diego location. Our friendly staff will assist you in finding a convenient time for your diesel engine service.

  • Frequently asked questions

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